Program Summary

Demand-Supported Development Program
This program is derived from an assessment of existing site and market conditions. The Demand­ Supported Program reflects a mix of uses which are primarily driven by revenues and expenses, and for which projected market demand can be assumed to drive locational decisions of users. These uses include traditional market sectors – retail, residential, commercial office and hospi­tality.

The analysis of this program assumes that the Department of State (DOS) 43.53 acre portion of the WRAMC will serve as an International Chan­cery Center (ICC) to include up to 30 offices and embassies that support foreign missions in the United States, occupying between 800,000 and 1,000,000 square feet based on initial estimates provided by DOS.

The potential development program for the reuse program combines demand-supported and a contingent development program. More information can be found in chapter 11 of the Reuse Plan, while the development program is summarized in the map below, the full market study can be found here.

Click to link on full size PDF image.

This program includes the following:

  • 1,900+ Residential Units
  • 212,000 square feet of Retail
  • 420,000-570,000 square feet of Corporate, Institutional or Medical space