HUD Submission and Notice of Interest (NOI) Users

As part of the BRAC process, the Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) was required to submit a Homeless Assistance Submission and Reuse Plan for the former Walter Reed Army Medical Center site to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The LRA submitted the Homeless Assistance Submission narrative (available here) in July 2012, which HUD approved in January of 2014.

In order to balance the homeless assistance needs of the community with the economic redevelopment needs of the community, the Walter Reed LRA solicited Notices of Interest (NOI) from State and Local Homeless Assistance Providers (HAP) and Public Benefit Conveyance (PBC) organizations.

Throughout the course of the planning process, the LRA received and evaluated 23 requests for NOI uses of buildings during 2010 and 7 requests during 2011 for the new surplus areas, for a total of 30 appli­cations for NOI uses (available here).

After thorough review, seven (7) of the Homeless Assistance Providers (HAPs) and Public Benefit Conveyance (PBC) applicants were recommended by the LRA Committee to be included in the Walter Reed Reuse Plan.  The LRA’s Homeless Assistance Submission narrative, available above, described the solicitation and selection process by which the LRA committee came to recommend these seven NOI applicants:  the six (6) listed below and the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Managements Services (DC-FEMS). Here is a map of the buildings with NOI uses and a summary of these recommended NOI users.

The Legally Binding Agreements (LBAs) and Memoranda of Agreements (MOAs) for the 6 HAPs and PBCs (other than DC-FEMS) can be found below:


So Others Might Eat LBA

Transitional Housing Corporation LBA

Howard University MOA

Latin American Montessori Bilingual PCS MOA

Washington Yu Ying PCS MOA