The Reeder – A Fresh Way to Keep Informed – Issue 3 – Q1 2018

May 16th, 2018 by WR-LRA

2018 brings many new beginnings at The Parks at Walter Reed. This spring, construction starts on the much anticipated Building 14 which will help meet critical affordable housing needs for veterans and seniors. June marks the end of the first school year at DCI and LAMB which welcome almost 1,000 students to this campus every day. We will also say our final good-bye and thank you to the 1970’s-era hospital (“Building 2”) as we commence demolition in 2018. Construction is expected to begin late summer on Component VU, the site’s first market-rate new construction. And finally, the community will continue to be invited onto the campus as we host multiple events throughout the year. Stay tuned!

The Reeder-Issue 3 – Q1 2018

The_Reeder-Q1 2018web